Services in detail

Learn more about some of the services on offer

Structure – Building the foundations

Frequently companies look to structure to support their people initiatives. A career framework creates a carefully thought-out structure, often with levels and job families, enabling managers to plan for the future needs of the business and for employees to identify career growth possibilities. Such a framework may include definitions of skills or competencies needed for each level or role to support the building of functional capability. Creating this structure also enables the effective delivery of a global total rewards system, supports external benchmarking, internal equity review, drives speed-to-value for software as a service (SaaS) HR technology and enables HR analytics and planning.

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Market Pay Analysis – review of current arrangements

Whilst each company has its own culture, and rewards which support that culture and business needs, the external market evolves based on demand for talent or skill shortages, macroeconomic factors such as inflation, globalisation or laws and regulations. It is prudent therefore to establish what your market is (most likely who you compete with for talent) and understand how your rewards stack up on a regular basis. By investing in the process of matching to market and analysing market data, you are able to make data driven, informed decisions on reward strategy and budget for any changes.

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Job Analysis and Evaluation – scheme design and implementation

Job Analysis often involves the collection of information about the duties, responsibilities, interactions and skills needed to fulfil a role. These elements are commonly recorded as a job description. The Job Analysis can enable placement of the role in the career framework at a defined level. Following the Job Analysis, Job Evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value or worth of a role in relation to other roles internally or in relation to the external market. Both Job Analysis and Job Evaluation can take different forms depending on the company culture, the amount of detail and record keeping required, and the need to align to market.

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Performance and incentives – review, design and implementation

In addition to a regular salary many companies link additional pay incentives to performance. The company culture, role focus and role level can determine the performance factors, the amount and the frequency of payment of an incentive. For example, a sales incentive plan is often linked to a sales target, is based on individual performance and paid frequently, whereas an incentive plan supporting a “one-company” culture may focus more on global or team results and be based on annual company goals combined with individual performance. Incentives can be in the form of ad-hoc “spot” awards, sales or bonus plans which are paid regularly or a long-term plan offering deferred pay-out in the form of shares or cash.

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Compensation Planning - policy and process

Many companies review their employees’ pay annually. This can stop a company falling behind their competitors and enables them to recognise individual performance. A carefully planned and well communicated pay review can provide the framework for managers to make equitable and data driven pay decisions. To prepare for this it is best to establish current pay position, collect data on pay inflation, budget for increases and then systematically review all employees together. Promotions, exceptional pay adjustments, statutory increases (relevant to some countries or collective agreements) can be addressed at the same time or be managed and tracked throughout the year. With many years of experience of multi-country, multi-currency pay reviews I can help with budget modelling, policy writing, review tools (excel or systems implementation), communication and data management.

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Employee Recognition

Whereas pay reviews and pay incentives are often awarded on an annual basis, well timed recognition for making a positive contribution, showing the values of the company or achieving something of note soon after the act can be hugely impactful on engagement. Whether a formal policy, such as a President’s award, an informal recognition like a team trophy that is passed around or a simple “thank you” a non-monetary award or treat that is relevant to the person receiving it can reinforce company values and bolster productivity. I can review current practices, identify opportunities, and help implement any changes.

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Benefit Review

Benefits, whether statutory or market led are a key addition to any employee’s pay and vary by country and industry. A benefit review can ensure you are providing an attractive benefit package which is compliant with local legislation and which fits the culture of your organisation whilst evaluating the value for money of current benefit providers and brokers.

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HR Systems and Transformation

A modern HR System can enable managers to manage their team with people data and established people processes at their fingertips. It can also enable employees to provide up-to-date personal details and interact in people processes and for HR to move away from data input and add greater value by partnering with their business counterparts. With experience of process design, change management, project planning and communications I can help make the most of an HR System, especially with regards talent, performance and reward activities.

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